Ultimate Guide to Earning Your MBA Degree


So, you’ve got your undergraduate degree and you’re thinking about levelling up, huh? Well, an MBA degree might just be the golden ticket you need. We’re not talking about a magical chocolate factory here, but the business world – which can be just as sweet if played right.

An MBA is like a Swiss Army knife for business folks. It’s packed with all kinds of useful tools that can help you navigate through the corporate jungle. From finance to marketing, operations to human resources – it’s got everything covered!

And guess what? There are different types of MBAs available too! You can choose from a buffet of options depending on your career goals and lifestyle choices. So why wait? Dive into the exciting world of MBAs and see where it takes you!

Evaluating the Worth of an MBA

Assessing Personal and Professional Goals

Let’s kick things off by weighing our personal and professional goals against what an MBA degree can offer. Take a moment to list down your career aspirations. Do they involve climbing the corporate ladder in management or investment banking? If so, earning an MBA degree could be a game-changer for you.

The benefits of an MBA are extensive. They range from developing essential leadership skills to expanding your professional network. An MBA can also provide you with the tools necessary to start your own business or take on high-level roles within a company.

However, it’s crucial not just to focus on the potential benefits but also consider if these align with your personal and professional goals.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Next up, let’s talk about cost. Earning an MBA degree is not cheap; expenses include tuition fees, books, living costs, and possibly even lost wages from full-time study. These resources pile up quickly!

But don’t let this scare you off just yet! It’s all about perspective: view these costs as an investment into your future rather than just expenses.

To help evaluate whether pursuing an MBA is worth it for you:

  1. Calculate all potential costs associated with obtaining the degree.

  2. Estimate how much your income could increase after graduation.

  3. Subtract the total cost from the increased income to get a rough estimate of your return on investment.

Comparing ROI for Different Types of MBAs

Lastly, we’ll delve into comparing the return on investment (ROI) for different types of MBAs because not all programs offer equal value.

Here’s where things get interesting: The ROI varies greatly depending on factors such as location, type of school (public vs private), mode of study (full-time vs part-time), and specialization (general management vs investment banking).

For instance:

  • A full-time MBA program at a top-tier school might have higher upfront costs but could potentially lead to lucrative job offers in sectors like management or investment banking.

  • On the other hand, part-time or online programs may be more affordable and allow you to continue working while studying, reducing lost wage costs.

In essence:

  • A general management specialization might open doors across a wide range of industries.

  • In contrast, specializing in operations or investment banking could lead to higher-paying jobs in those fields but may limit opportunities elsewhere.

So there you have it! Evaluating the worth of an MBA isn’t simply about tallying up numbers – it involves introspection about personal goals and careful consideration about which path will best help achieve them.

Requirements and Application for MBA

Essential Prerequisites

Aiming to earn an MBA degree? Well, you gotta know what the game demands. The admission requirements are no joke. Here’s the lowdown:

  • Bachelor’s Degree: No brainer, right? You need a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. Doesn’t matter if it’s arts or science, as long as you’ve got that degree.

  • Work Experience: Some programs want you to have some real-world experience under your belt. Usually, they’re looking at 2-3 years minimum.

  • GMAT/GRE Scores: These bad boys are crucial. Most programs won’t even look at your application without these scores.

Key Components of a Successful Application

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s talk about putting together a killer application package.

  1. Resume: This is where you highlight all your professional achievements. Make it shine!

  2. Letters of Recommendation: Get these from your previous employers or professors who can vouch for your skills and work ethic.

  3. Personal Statement: This is your chance to show off your personality and explain why you’re perfect for the program.

  4. Transcripts: Include transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended.

GMAT/GRE Scores: The Golden Ticket

You might be wondering how important GMAT/GRE scores really are in the admissions process? Answer: Very!

These tests measure verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, analytical writing, and critical thinking skills – basically everything an MBA program would need in a candidate.

Here’s some data to chew on:

Average GMAT ScoreTop Business Schools

So yeah, those scores matter big time!

Earning an MBA isn’t just about ticking boxes though; it’s about showing that you’ve got what it takes to succeed in business. So don’t just meet the requirements – exceed them! Show them why they’d be crazy not to accept you into their program.

Remember folks; this ain’t no walk in the park – but with grit and determination, you’ll get there!

Full-Time vs Part-Time MBA Programs

Structure and Duration

Full-time MBA programs typically run for two years. They’re immersive, with classes scheduled during the day, leaving little room for a job on the side. On the contrary, part-time MBA programs are designed for working professionals. Classes are often held in evenings or weekends, spanning over three to four years.

  • Full-time: 2 years

  • Part-time: 3-4 years

Cost and Flexibility

Full-time MBAs can be quite costly as they require your full attention and time, meaning you might not have an income stream during this period. However, they offer a faster route to that coveted degree.

Part-time MBAs allow you to keep your job while studying. Although it takes longer to earn your degree, you’ll likely have less debt upon graduation due to continued income from work.

Career Progression Impact

A full-time MBA provides opportunities for internships and networking events with top industry leaders—great ways to accelerate career progression.

In contrast, part-timers may find it more challenging to balance work commitments with networking events. But hey! The fact that you’re juggling work with earning an MBA degree can demonstrate dedication and time management skills—an attractive trait for employers!

Balancing Work-Life Commitments

Part-time programs offer flexibility, allowing students to continue their professional lives while advancing their education. It’s like having your cake and eating it too! However, time management is crucial here:

  1. Prioritize tasks

  2. Create a study schedule

  3. Learn when to say no

  4. Take care of yourself physically and mentally

Remember that every individual’s circumstances are unique—what works best will depend on personal goals and situations.

So there you have it—a quick comparison between full-time vs part-time MBA programs! Both paths lead towards earning an MBA degree but differ in terms of structure, duration, cost, flexibility—and impact on career progression.

In making your choice between full time or part time options remember this: You know yourself better than anyone else does! Do what feels right for you because at the end of the day—you’re doing this for YOU!

Online MBA Programs: A Focus on DeVry University

DeVry’s Online MBA Structure and Curriculum

DeVry University offers a comprehensive online MBA program, designed to equip students with the necessary skills to excel in today’s fast-paced business environment. The curriculum is divided into several core areas of study, including finance, marketing, project management, and international business.

  • Core courses include Business Planning Seminar and Managerial Applications of Technology.

  • Elective options range from Corporate Finance to Marketing Management.

  • Capstone project provides an opportunity for students to apply what they’ve learned in a real-world context.

The program is flexible, allowing students to earn their MBA degree at their own pace while balancing work and personal commitments.

The Pros and Cons of DeVry’s Online Learning

Online learning at DeVry University has its unique set of benefits and challenges:


  • Flexibility: You can complete coursework around your schedule.

  • Accessibility: Study from anywhere with an internet connection.

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with professionals across the globe.


Despite these challenges, many students find that the advantages outweigh the downsides.

Alumni Success Stories

Many alumni have found success after earning their online MBA from DeVry University. For instance, one graduate landed a prestigious position at Raytheon shortly after graduation. The alum credits the practical knowledge gained through DeVry’s program as instrumental in securing this role.

Another example is an alum who started her own successful business after graduating. She attributes her entrepreneurial success to the strategic thinking skills she developed during her time at DeVry.

These stories illustrate how earning an online mba from DeVry can open doors to exciting career opportunities.

Career Prospects for MBA Graduates

Industries Valuing MBAs

MBA graduates are hot commodities in various industries. The skills, knowledge, and expertise they bring to the table make them highly valued candidates. It’s no surprise that companies from different sectors actively seek out these professionals.

  • Financial Services: This industry is a magnet for MBA graduates. Banks, investment firms, and insurance companies often require the analytical skills an MBA degree provides.

  • Marketing: With specializations in marketing management becoming increasingly popular among MBA majors, this industry offers numerous career opportunities for graduates.

  • Consulting: Consulting firms value the problem-solving abilities of MBA holders. They often hire them to provide strategic advice to their clients.

Potential Job Roles

Earning an MBA degree opens up a wide array of job roles. Here are some positions that typically attract MBA alumni:

  1. Project Manager: Responsible for planning and overseeing projects to ensure they are completed on time and within budget.

  2. Financial Analyst: Uses financial data to assist companies with decision making.

  3. Marketing Manager: Develops strategies to help companies reach their target audience and increase market share.

Fast-Track Career Advancement

An MBA degree can act as a rocket booster for your career advancement. It equips you with leadership skills sought after by employers across all industries.

  • For instance, think about climbing a mountain (your career). Sure, you could do it without any gear (an undergraduate degree), but wouldn’t it be easier if you had some ropes and harnesses (an MBA)?

    That’s what earning an MBA does; it gives you the tools necessary to climb higher and faster in your career.

  • A survey conducted among managers showed that employees with an MBA were more likely to be considered for leadership positions within their companies than those without one.

In sum, pursuing an MBA degree can open doors to exciting career opportunities across multiple industries while fast-tracking your journey towards leadership positions. So why wait? Start exploring your options today!

Impact of an MBA on Salary and Network

Salary Boost Post-MBA

One of the most tangible benefits of earning an MBA degree is the potential for a significant increase in salary. It’s not uncommon for professionals to see their earnings skyrocket after completing their advanced business education. According to a report from the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), MBA graduates can expect to earn a median base salary that’s nearly double what they were making before getting their degree.

Consider this:

Pre-MBA SalaryPost-MBA Salary

That’s quite a leap, right? The exact amount can vary depending on factors like the prestige of the school, your prior work experience, and the industry you’re in. But overall, it’s clear that an MBA can be a major game-changer.

Networking as Career Catalyst

Now let’s talk about networking. In the world of business, who you know often matters just as much as what you know. And when you’re working towards an MBA, you’ll have countless opportunities to rub elbows with future leaders and innovators in your field.

Think about it – your classmates today could be your colleagues or even bosses tomorrow. Plus, many MBA programs offer internships or cooperative education experiences that allow students to gain hands-on experience while building connections with potential employers.

Here are some ways how networking during your MBA program can enhance career opportunities:

  1. Internships or co-op placements

  2. Class projects involving real-world businesses

  3. Alumni events and meetups

  4. Business conferences and seminars

Alumni Networks Influence on Job Placements

Finally, we should mention alumni networks – another powerful tool in your post-MBA job search arsenal. These networks comprise individuals who’ve graduated from the same institution as you and are now part of its extended community.

Alumni networks can be instrumental in securing job placements after graduation by:

  • Providing insider information about job openings

  • Offering referrals within companies

  • Giving advice based on personal experiences

So there you have it – earning an MBA degree doesn’t just potentially double your salary; it also opens up new avenues for networking and leveraging alumni connections for better job prospects post-graduation.

Wrapping It Up

So, you’ve walked through the ins and outs of getting your MBA. No doubt about it, it’s a big commitment. But hey, the benefits can be massive! From beefing up your salary to expanding your network – an MBA could be just the ticket to skyrocket your career. And with options like full-time, part-time, and online programs (shout out to DeVry University), there’s bound to be something that fits your life.

Now’s the time to stop dreaming and start doing. You’ve got all the info you need right here. So what are you waiting for? Dive in headfirst into that application process and earn that MBA degree!


What is the average cost of an MBA program?

The cost can vary widely depending on the school and program type but expect anywhere from $20,000 to over $100,000.

Can I work while earning my MBA?

Absolutely! Many programs offer part-time or online options specifically designed for working professionals.

How long does it take to earn an MBA?

Typically it takes 2 years for a full-time program but this can be shorter or longer depending on if you choose a part-time or accelerated program.

Does having an MBA guarantee me a higher salary?

While an MBA often leads to increased earning potential, no degree can absolutely guarantee a higher salary. It also depends on factors like industry, location and experience.

Is DeVry University’s online MBA program accredited?

Yes! DeVry University’s Keller Graduate School of Management is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission (HLC).

Do I need professional work experience before applying for an MBA?

Most MBA programs prefer applicants with some professional work experience but requirements vary by school so check with individual programs.

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